OS Required: (Aero = On):
Windows Vista. [32bit or 64bit]
Windows Seven. [32bit or 64bit]
Windows XP isn't Supported !!
Required (Error: d3dx9_43.dll file is missing ???):
DirectX End-User Runtime:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl...ils.aspx?id=35 Important:
Windowed mode = Visual + Aimbot.
Full Screen = Aimbot Only.
- Clean Screenshots:
- In Game Screenshots.
- Steam Screenshots.
- Fraps.
- and more...
- Aimbot:
- Enabled (On/Off)
- Field of view (1-90)
- Smooth speed (1-20)
- Aim Once (1-100)
- Bone aim (1=Head-2=Torax)
- SpawnProtextion
- Esp (Far):
- All / Enemy Only
- EspWidth (1-9)
- 2DBox (On/Off)
- 2DType (1-2)
- Name (Left -Center -Right)
- Health
- Health Bar (Normal - Colored / Top - Bottom)
- Draw Aimpoint (1= dot - 2 = Rect)
- Radar Hack:
- Enabled (On/Off)
- All / Enemy Only
- Radar Name (On/Off)
- Type (1 = Dot / 2 = View / 3 = Cross / 4 = X)
- Color:
- Esp Color (T & CT / RGB + Opacity)
- Menu Color (RGB + Opacity)
- Radar Color (RGB + Opacity)
- CrossHair Color (RGB + Opacity)
- Position:
- Radar (X + Y)
- Menu (X + Y)
- Miscellaneous:
- Bomb Hack (Radar Hack Ingame)
- Player Informations
- Bunny Script
- Crosshair Type (0-4)
- Sv_Cheats bypass
- r_drawothermodels (zBlock Proof)
- r_drawparticles (zBlock Proof)
- mat_proxy bypass
- Version checker
- Watermark
- Load/Save Settings
VAC Status: UNDETECTED (20.10.12)
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