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[CoD4]MW2 Weapons Models Tar-21

  Просмотров: 495
  Добавил: Admin | 10.10.2012 (23:29)
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Модель нового оружия Tar-21 из игры modern warfare 2 для cod4.Смотрим скриншоты,незнаете как установить?пиши к нам на форум

Hi every-one, this is my first Upload to this wonderfull site !

This is the Tar-21 for CoD4 as Custom Model with Raw files in the .zip file.

Two weeks ago, I was searching for it and I found it, so I'll think the best think to do is share it with you guys :P

If you want to thank me, the best think you can do is subsribe to my Youtube Channem :
Теги: models, CoD4MW2, TAR-21, Weapons | Загрузок файла: 17 |
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