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[CoD4]Melee Sword Models

  Просмотров: 329
  Добавил: Admin | 11.01.2012 (17:32)
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Описание: Новая моделька на нож ,теперь он как у рыцарей:3
Информация:This mod replaces the melee knife with a ninja sword of types. It was modified from IW's knife model and made into sword of sorts. If you have any suggestions contact me. Included, is the normal skin and a quick blood skin I made; nothing special. There is really only one model needed since you never drop this weapon so I only bothered to make the viewmodel; which will work as worldmodel as well size-wise. If anyone would want this model made for your primary weapon pm me and I can alter it for that. Please give me credit if you use this. Have fun : )
Теги: models, Sword, CoD4Melee | Загрузок файла: 10 |
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